Youth protection
Sometimes parents get mandatory assistance in raising a child. This happens when a family has very serious problems and when the safety of the child is being jeopardised. A family can also get mandatory assistance if voluntary assistance does not work or if voluntary assistance is rejected.
People in the child's environment may have grave concerns over the child. For instance, the general practitioner, a teacher at school or the neighbours. They can call Youth Care (in Dutch: Jeugdzorg). Youth Care then can subsequently submit a request for mandatory assistance to the Guardianship Council (in Dutch: Voogdijraad).
Only the court can decide whether the child needs to be placed under supervision. Sometimes the child (temporarily) needs to move to another address or a foster family. This is a drastic measure. Therefore this only happens if it is the only safest option for the child.
Of course the family itself can request assistance from Youth Care themselves any time. Don’t wait until the situation is unsafe! Please seek help immediately if one of the following situations apply to your family:
- Domestic violence;
- Abuse;
- Neglect;
- Sexual abuse.