Care & Youth

Zorg en Jeugd Caribisch Nederland (ZJCN, Care and Youth Caribbean Netherlands) falls under the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). The organisation is the result of a merger between the Zorgverzekeringskantoor (ZVK, Health Insurance Office) and the Jeugdzorg en Gezinsvoogdij (JGCN, Youth Care and Guardianship Council).

Both organisations already fell under the Ministry of VWS and have now merged into one organisation. The shared vision within ZJCN is ‘reliable, fair, and accessible care for residents of the Caribbean Netherlands in a healthy society in which additional attention is paid to the sustainable safety of children.’

The board cooperates with various stakeholders in the Caribbean Netherlands and the European Netherlands in order to sustainably improve the quality of care to all residents of the Caribbean Netherlands until the care attains a quality level that equals that in the European Netherlands. Cooperation takes place in various areas; with hospitals in the Caribbean, with other departments in The Hague, with the Public Entities, and the Ministries of Health of the countries.

Information about Care is available here.
Information about Youth Care is available here.