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  1. Danny Rojer starts March 4th, 2019 as program manager for governmental agreement Bonaire

    As of March 4th 2019 Danny Rojer is officially appointed as program manager for the governmental agreement Bonaire.

    News item | 13-02-2019 | 15:36

  2. Information campaign Island Council Elections launches

    On Wednesday, March 20th 2019, residents of Saba and Bonaire can vote for the Island Council Elections. In order to inform the ...

    News item | 07-02-2019 | 18:20

  3. The Labor Inspection strictly monitors falling from height

    Last Wednesday, January 30th, the Labor Inspection gave an order to suspend work on a construction site at the Kaya Grandi on ...

    News item | 05-02-2019 | 17:10

  4. Data Protection Day focused on social media

    International Data Protection Day this year focused on social media. Because virtually everyone uses social media, the BES ...

    News item | 01-02-2019 | 00:00

  5. End of post-Irma consumer price increase on Saba

    In Q4 2018, consumer prices on Saba were back at the level of one year previously. In the preceding quarter, consumers on Saba ...

    News item | 24-01-2019 | 17:07

  6. Changes in BES Healthcare Insurance claims as of January 1st, 2019

    The BES Healthcare Insurance Office (Zorgverzekeringskantoor BES, hereinafter ZVK) announces that several elements of the BES ...

    News item | 23-01-2019 | 19:46

  7. Day of candidacy for the electoral colleges for the First Chamber coming up

    On March 20th, 2019 Dutch residents can cast their vote on candidates for the Electoral Colleges for the First Chamber (Senate).

    News item | 23-01-2019 | 18:24

  8. Important week for the care in the Caribbean Netherlands

    In the week from January 14th till 18th three agreements were closed between the Health Insurance Office BES and various health ...

    News item | 23-01-2019 | 14:47

  9. Job wages on Bonaire averaged 2,050 USD in 2017

    In 2017, the average remuneration per employee job on Bonaire amounted to 2,050 US dollars gross per month. On Saba and St ...

    News item | 18-01-2019 | 20:18

  10. Possibility of extra supplement for recipients of AOV-pension

    The RCN-Unit of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) has introduced various measures to increase financial aid. For example, as of ...

    News item | 18-01-2019 | 14:44