Notification to people receiving old age pension abroad
The Caribbean Netherlands Unit for Social Affairs and Employment (SZW CN) is issuing a final call to people who live outside the Caribbean Netherlands and receive an old age pension. The notification is intended for people who have not yet submitted a certificate of life.

We kindly request that you mail your certificate to Alternatively, you can contact us on telephone number +599 3183376 or +599 416 3804. You can also send us a WhatsApp message via +599 7900052.
People who receive an old age pension must submit a certificate of life (attestatie de vita, ADV) twice a year between the 1st of May and the 15th of June and between the 1st of November and the 15th of December. Everyone who is entitled to an old age pension has received several letters or e-mails. At the moment, the Caribbean Netherlands Unit for Social Affairs and Employment has not received a certificate of life from a number of people. That is why we are sending a notification to this group of people to ask them to submit their certificates as soon as possible.
If SZW CN does not receive a response, the pension payments will be terminated. This has to do with the legislation and regulations contained in Article 3 of the Decision on revocation, suspension and deferment under the BES General Old Age Insurance Act (Besluit intrekking, schorsing en opschorting Wet algemene ouderdomsverzekering BES).
Please respond if you are entitled to old age pension and have not yet submitted a certificate of life!