Second speed meet for local job seekers and employers in the tourism sector
Plenchi di Trabou, Tourism Corporation Bonaire (TCB) and Bonaire Hotel and Tourism Association (BONHATA) are joining forces to bring job seekers and employers together during a second speed meet on Friday, the 22nd of April. With this, the organisations aim to attract more local people to work in the tourism sector.

The second speed meet in the tourism sector will take place on the 22nd of April, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Jong Bonaire (Kaya Simon Bolivar 16). During this 'speed meet', job seekers and employers can quickly search for a match. If there is a match, a follow-up appointment is made. During the first ‘speed meet’ in November 2021, 22 employers met local jobseekers at Jong Bonaire. Job seekers were able to update and print their CVs on the spot and had several introductory interviews in a short period of time. Hotels, resorts, diving schools and restaurants hired 6 candidates directly during the ‘speed meet’ and made 37 appointments for follow-up interviews, internships and in-house trainings.
By linking local job seekers directly to companies in the hospitality sector on Bonaire during the ‘speed meet’, Plenchi di Trabou, TCB and BONHATA aim to increase the number of local professionals in the tourism sector. This will provide entrepreneurs with good and sustainable staff and local job seekers with paid jobs. This way, the 'speed meet' contributes to both the urgent demand for personnel from the tourism sector and to increasing the opportunities of job seekers on the island.
Job programmes on offer
After the ‘Speed Meet’ on the 22nd of April, some free basic job training programmes will also be offered. Interested persons can register at this event. In these trainings, job seekers will learn all the basic skills needed in a job in a few weeks, in theory and in practice. After successfully completing the training, participants will receive a certificate and be placed directly with an employer. Like this, the partners want to further increase the opportunities for local job seekers in the tourism sector. Training courses offered are for example to become a bartender, waiter, housekeeper and (assistant) cook.
In addition, the parties will continue to work together on long-term solutions to ensure sufficient qualified local staff on the island to meet the demand in the growing tourism sector.
Employers in the tourism sector who are looking for personnel and local people interested in working in the hospitality and tourism sector, can register for the ‘speed meet’ by sending an email to For questions or more information, the Plenchi di Trabou team can also be reached at: +599 715 8346.