Allowance for children with intensive care needs

Does your child require intensive care and are you entitled to child benefit for your child? Then you can request a one-time allowance of 2.259 dollars gross  from the 1st of September to the 30th of  November 2023 if your child is 3 years or older, but is not yet 18 years old. This allowance serves as compensation for the double child benefit for parents of children with intensive care needs, which will be introduced at a later date. Parents or caregivers who already had a positive assessment in the previous application period (2022) and still meet the conditions for child benefit do not need to apply. They will receive a letter in August regarding this and automatically receive the allowance in their bank account in September 2023.

The SZW unit of RCN cannot personally determine whether your child requires intensive care. This is done based on medical advice that we receive via Sentro Akseso (Bonaire) or Public Health (Saba and Sint Eustatius). To make things easier for you, you can submit the application for the allowance for children that require intensive care directly to the organisations below. They can also help you to complete the medical questionnaire.

Sentro Akseso Bonaire

Kaya Prinses Marie 7

From Monday to Thursday from 8.00 am to 4.30 pm

Or via e-mail:

T: (+599) 717-7300

Social Worker’s Office of Community Development Department Saba

Upper Road 4, The Bottom

On Thursdays between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm

Preventiekliniek Sint Eustatius / Prevention clinic

Charles A. Woodley Road (next to the pharmacy)

Phone (+599) 318 2891 to make an appointment

If you are not eligible for the allowance for children with intensive care needs, these organisations may be able to help you with other support or guidance when caring for your child.
