Frequently asked questions - Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven (EN)
29 questions and answers on Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven (EN)
- How can I submit an application?
- How long will it take before the Schadefonds pays the compensation payment?
- Will the Schadefonds compensate for all the costs?
- Is it necessary to report the matter for a compensation payment from the Schadefonds?
- Am I obliged to first recover the damage from the perpetrator?
- What is the amount of the compensation payment?
- What can I do if I do not agree with the decision?
- What does the Schadefonds do in the case of fraud?
- What can I do if my injuries happen to have become worse?
- What can I do if my situation has changed?
- What can I find in the Wet schadefonds geweldsmisdrijven?
- How does the Schadefonds deal with my application?
- How do I submit a complaint?
- How does the Schadefonds deal with a complaint?
- What complaints does the Schadefonds not deal with?
- What can I do if I do not agree with the processing of my complaint?
- Can I submit an application if I only have psychological (mental) injuries?
- Must I declare the compensation payment from the Schadefonds to the Belastingdienst?
- Will the compensation from Schadefonds have consequences for my social relief payment?
- Can I submit an application myself if I have an administrator?
- From whom can I receive help with submitting an application?
- Can I submit an application if the criminal proceedings are still ongoing or still have to start?
- How does the Schadefonds deal with my personal details?
- What can I do if I am not eligible for a compensation payment from the Schadefonds?
- Is the compensation payment from the Schadefonds the same as an (injury) damage compensation or compensation?
- Can I view the progress of my application somewhere?
- Does the Schadefonds compensate for the damage that I suffer due to the loss of income from the deceased?
- I was a victim of domestic violence but did not report it. Can I submit an application?
- Does the Schadefonds also compensate for funeral costs?