Can I submit an application if I only have psychological (mental) injuries?

Yes, you can also submit an application if you only have psychological injuries as a result of the violent crime. As in the case of physical injuries, it must however concern serious injuries. Examples of serious psychological injuries are:

  • psychological trauma
  • agoraphobia
  • depression
  • phobia

In order to be able to make an assessment of your psychological injuries (and the amount of the compensation payment), Schadefonds looks at whether you are or have been under the treatment of a care provider for your psychological injuries. This care provider must have a BIG registration, NIP service mark with Basic assessment Psychodiagnostics (BAPD), NVO registration with Basic assessment Diagnostics (BAD) or a contract with the BES Health Insurance Office (ZVK). The reason is that the Schadefonds considers it important that the diagnosis is made by a skilled care provider and the diagnosis is reliable. At,, and the webpage of ZVK you can find out whether your care provider has this registration or service mark.

The psychological injuries must have occurred as a result of the violent crime. For this purpose, the Schadefonds requires medical information from your care provider. This information must include information about your psychological symptoms, how they originated, and the diagnosis and information about the (duration of the) treatment. Information will only be requested from your care provider with your permission.

In the case of some violent crimes, the Schadefonds presupposes that you have serious psychological injuries. This is referred to as ‘presupposition of serious injuries’ and is applied for instance in the case of sexual assault or rape, domestic violence (which took place for a long time and on a regular basis) and threats with a knife or firearm. In these cases, you do not need to be under treatment by a psychologist or psychiatrist in order to receive a compensation payment from the Schadefonds.