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  1. Cabinet strengthens digital society in the Caribbean part of the kingdom

    Coordinating Minister van Huffelen (Kingdom Relations and Digitalisation) presented today the working agenda for a safe, ...

    News item | 04-11-2022 | 18:56

  2. Signing Memorandum of Understanding Teacher Training Saba and St. Eustatius

    On Friday, November 4th , the festive signing of the Memorandum of Understanding for the Teacher’s program in Saba and Sint ...

    News item | 04-11-2022 | 18:36

  3. Complaints advisory committee installed by Care and Youth Caribbean Netherlands (ZJCN)

    On the 1st of November 2022, an independent and external complaints advisory committee was installed to provide advice when ...

    News item | 01-11-2022 | 00:00

  4. Exploration introduction anti-discrimination legislation

    Under instruction of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), Glenn Thodé (former Island Governor Bonaire) and ...

    News item | 27-10-2022 | 19:01

  5. Joint inspection at a resort on Bonaire

    On Tuesday the 25th of October, a multidisciplinary inspection will take place at a resort on Bonaire. Under the direction of the ...

    News item | 25-10-2022 | 17:01

  6. Allowance for children with intensive care needs

    Parents and caregivers of children aged 3 to 17 with intensive care needs in the Caribbean Netherlands are eligible for an ...

    News item | 24-10-2022 | 19:32

  7. More tourism on St Eustatius and Saba in first half of 2022

    In the first six months of 2022, the number of visitor arrivals by air on St Eustatius and Saba was one and a half times as high ...

    News item | 20-10-2022 | 19:32

  8. Agreement on additional employment conditions for Caribbean Netherlands civil servants 2021-2023

    On the 19th of October 2022, during the Sector Consultation between trade unions (ABVO, STrAF, ACOM and NAPB) and the Director of ...

    News item | 19-10-2022 | 19:32

  9. Information evening State Exams Secondary Education on Bonaire

    Since 2011, it has been possible on Bonaire to take the Dutch State Examination of Secondary Education in a variety of subjects ...

    News item | 18-10-2022 | 22:18

  10. Annual Guardsweek celebrated in Aruba

    Once a year, the JICN staff of Bonaire and the surrounding islands and countries reflect on the important, beautiful but also ...

    News item | 18-10-2022 | 21:58