Application for permanent residence permit
Who is this form for?
People who:
- have lived five years or longer lawfully without interruption in the Public Entities on the basis of a fixed-term residence permit; or
- qualify for a residence permit based on readmission. (Intended for former Dutch citizens and aliens who had a residence permit for a number of years in the Public Entities in the past).
Why this form?
This form allows you to submit an application for a permanent residence permit.
What documents should I enclose?
In addition to the application form, you must also submit other documents and pay fees. What those are depends on your situation. The required documentation is stated in the document list on the application form. Make sure you enclose everything. Only complete applications will be considered.
Where do I submit my form?
You can submit your application in person at one of the IND-unit Caribbean Netherlands offices. On Saba and St. Eustatius you need to make an appointment (in advance). On Bonaire you can walk in without an appointment from Mondays to Thursdays between 08:00 AM and 11:00 AM. For the contact details and opening hours of all IND offices see the contact page.
What happens to my application?
If you have submitted your application in person to one of the offices of the IND-unit Caribbean Netherlands and your application is complete, your application will be processed. If your application is not complete, it cannot be assessed. You will receive written notice once your application has been decided on. If it appears that you do not meet the conditions for the residence permit for which you have requested a change, then the IND unit Caribbean Netherlands will check if you are eligible for an extension of your current residence permit.
What if my application has been approved?
If your application has been approved, you will need to take your permit to Civil Affairs to renew your Sedula for five years. Click here for more information about Civil Affairs Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius.