Monthly amounts

Caribbean Netherlands standards for 2025

Student finance amounts Caribbean Netherlands:

I. Type of Education

II. Location of course:

III. Performance-related grant or gift per month:

IV: Loan during performance-related grant per month:

V: Loan after performance-related grant per month:

Vocational education

Own Public Entity




Other Public Entity, Aruba, Curaçao, St. Maarten




Other part of the Caribbean region




United States of America




Higher education:

Own Public Entity




Other Public Entity, Aruba, Curaçao, St. Maarten




Other part of the Caribbean region




United States of America




Amounts BES start-up allowance

I. Education type:

II. Location of course:

III. Performance-related grant

IV. Loan

Vocational education level 3 or 4 and higher education

part of the Netherlands



Set off amount, article 5.1, third paragraph, of the Student Grant Regulations BES: $304.18

Interest Rate
In the calendar year 2025 the interest rate is 2.21%.