Count on Skills (“Tel mee met taal”)
It is possible again this year for institutions in the Caribbean Netherlands to submit subsidy requests for the "Tel mee met Taal" ("Count on Skills") programme of the Ministries of OCW (Education, Culture and Science), BZK (Interior and Kingdom Relations), SZW (Social Affairs and Employment), and VWS (Health, Welfare and Sport). The objective of this programme is to ensure that as many people as possible have sufficient basic skills to fully participate in our society. This concerns basic skills such as reading, writing, arithmetic, and digital skills.

The subsidy can be applied for by employers, social organisations, institutions such as schools, pre-school and after-school care organisations, educational care centres, providers of second-chance education, libraries, and departments of the Public Entities whose clients (for example, parents) are faced with illiteracy, low literacy or arrears in arithmetic and digital skills at a basic level. A special budget has been reserved for applications from the Caribbean Netherlands.
The "Tel mee met Taal" ("Count on Skills") subsidy can be used for activities such as courses or (additional) lessons, given in the Papiamentu or English language, as long as it concerns the development of literacy and numeracy and digital skills at a basic level. But you can also use these funds to promote or market your activities to potential students.
The application deadline is 28 February 2022.
For more information
More information about the subsidy programme is available on the website
You can ask questions about this subsidy programme via The application form can be downloaded via