Process description after registration

Would you like to know the steps that are taken from the moment of registration for the Kingdom Scholarship until return? Then have a look at the full process description for the Kingdom Scholarships below.

Step 1

The application period opens for the semester. Within a period of two months, applications for the Kingdom Scholarship can be submitted with all supporting documents via By means of the documents we also check whether the student has applied for an NL Scholarship or KingdomBPV for the same period. The educational institution issues a declaration to this effect using the Educational Institutions Kingdom Scholarships form.

Step 2

All submitted applications are screened on completeness and documented. The application is assigned a correspondence number.

  • Application complete?

The student is informed of a received complete application and correspondence number. After this, passport copies will be deleted from the systems.

  • Application incomplete?

If the application is incomplete and the deadline for submission has not expired yet then the student is informed accordingly and given the opportunity to resubmit the application with all documents. The student is also informed of the assigned correspondence number.

Step 3

When the application period for the relevant semester ends, this will be communicated on the RCN website. Applications are classified based on geographical location of the institution and the type of education.

Step 4

Within one week after the closing period, the lists of application numbers with no traceable personal data are taken to the civil-law notary for draw rounds 1, 2, and 3. The draw rounds are carried out within two weeks after the closing period for the submission of applications.

Step 5

After the draw, we receive the lists of all submitted applications, and rejected applications, from the civil-law notary. A check is carried out on the requested grant amount to see if it matches the scheme. The decision containing this information is sent to the students within four weeks after the closing date for the submission of applications. It will also contain the allocated grant amount.

Step 6

After all decisions have been sent to the students, the lists of payment details for payment are prepared and sent for payment. The payment of the scholarship takes place on the communicated dates for the relevant semester. This is in all cases no later than eight weeks after the decision has been received, but every effort is made to pay it after only six weeks at the latest.

Interim changes?

If changes occur during the period of the internship or study exchange then this must be communicated to RCN-OCW within ten working days at the latest. If the change affects the amount of the already granted scholarship then the student will be informed accordingly within four weeks through a new decision. In case this leads to a repayment, the student will be informed in the decision about the applicable terms and payment information for repayment.

Step 7

At the end of the internship or study exchange period, for which a Kingdom Scholarship was received, 15 students are randomly asked to provide information demonstrating that they have duly completed the period. The certificate of completion form serves this purpose. The selection of the 15 students is made no later than one month after the end of the semester. Students are informed by letter within six weeks after the semester if they are requested to submit documents. At the latest within eight weeks after the date of the letter, RCN-OCW must receive the requested information. Within four weeks after receipt of the documents, the student will be informed by letter of the possible consequences for the previous granting of the scholarship and associated repayment details. In case the documents show that the student complied with the requirements, this will also be communicated.

Step 8

The website will also provide information on the number of scholarships awarded by geographical location and level of education after the end of the semester. This is done without disclosing personal data.