RCN/OCW is the advanced post of the OCW (Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap; Ministry of Education, Culture and Science) in the Caribbean Netherlands. RCN/OCW alerts, informs and advises the ministry regarding the local practicality of policy plans.
The RCN/OCW team provides information and offers assistance to all parties involved in the implementation of the Education Agenda for the Caribbean Netherlands.
RCN/OCW also makes proposals for the development or adjustment of the education policy in the Caribbean Netherlands.
Responsibilities of RCN/OCW
- Implementation of the OCW policy, and laws and regulations
- Coordination/monitoring/management of the implementation of the educational buildings master plans
- Implementation of the BES Student Finance Act (Wet Studiefinanciering BES), on behalf of DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs; Education Executive Agency)
- Performance of the duties on behalf of the Dutch Media Authority (Commissariaat voor de Media)
- Performance of the duties on behalf of the Dutch Board of Examinations (College voor Examens).
RCN/OCW team
RCN/OCW comprises five senior policy officers, a senior communications officer, a student finance quality coordinator, two student finance officers, a supervisor educational housing and a management assistant, led by the head of service. The team members are stationed in Bonaire (9) and in St. Eustatius (2).
Collaboration partners
Apart from the schools and the ministry, many other parties are active in education on the islands. Please refer to the Collaboration Partners page for a list of the collaborating parties. (met hyperlink naar pagina “Samenwerkingspartners”)