Shame – Attacking others

Oscar is 10 years old and lives with his sister and their mother. His parents have a difficult relationship with each other. In terms of behaviour, Oscar resembles his father, and his mother has a hard time dealing with that. Watch Watch Part 1 of Bergwensa (Shame) here.

What violence and abuse can do to you

Oscar bullies a classmate because he doesn't get enough attention at home himself and is belittled by his older sister. It is his way of dealing with the pain, rejection and disappointment he feels. We also use an anonymous story to show how attacking others can occur.

It is the painful story of a young woman who was sexually abused at a very young age and now feels so much anger within herself that she is afraid she might harm herself or others. Guiami, the advice and hotline for domestic violence and child abuse - part of tei p’abo -, shares the story.

In a poll on social media we asked; What do you consider domestic violence? Roxiana and Femke from tei p'abo talk more about this topic based on the results.

Poll 1 Tei p’abo – Resultado di ekuesta 1

For any form of violence or suspected violence, you can contact:

Guiami, the advice and hotline for domestic violence and child abuse 
Tel. 0802 0802