File a complaint
ZJCN has a complaints procedure. Are you dissatisfied with our service or do you feel you have not been treated correctly by one of our staff members? You may lodge a complaint with the ZJCN.
This can be done in writing or verbally. In both cases, we kindly ask that you complete the complaints form. The complaints form can be obtained from ZJCN or downloaded here. The form can be sent to or dropped off at the ZJCN.
ZJCN will process your complaint as quickly as possible. We aim to provide an answer within the legal period of six weeks. If a detailed investigation appears to be necessary, the handling might take more time and ZJCN will contact you.
On the 1st of November 2022, an independent and external complaints advisory committee was installed to provide advice when evaluating complaints from residents of the Caribbean Netherlands in relation to healthcare or youth care. For more information click on this link. If this does not result in a satisfactory solution either, then you can submit your complaint to the National Ombudsman.
Each care provider must also have a complaints procedure. If you feel you have not been dealt with correctly by a care provider or a staff member, you may submit a complaint with the care provider.