Free workshops 'safe and healthy working with asbestos'
Regulations for working with asbestos and products containing asbestos have been laid down in the "Occupational Safety Decree IV Caribbean Netherlands". In order to provide knowledge about safe and healthy working with asbestos to (construction) companies that work with asbestos, or that want to do so in the future, four workshops will be organized between the 18th and the 24th of November.

The free workshops are offered by Cadena Human Capital Management BV, on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW). Employers, employees and self-employed persons can register for one of the four online workshops. The applicant can choose from participation in Papiamentu, English, Dutch or Spanish. The workshops are focused on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba.
After participating in the two and a half hour workshop, the participants will receive a certificate of participation which can be submitted to the Labor Inspectorate as part of the "asbestos work plan". This work plan must be approved before working with asbestos in the Caribbean Netherlands.
You can register via this link or via