News - Social affairs & work

108 news items on Social affairs & work

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  1. Entrepreneurs to receive support from EZK again

    Entrepreneurs who are faced with a loss of revenue due to the corona crisis and as a result have more difficulty covering their ...

    News item | 10-08-2020 | 00:00

  2. New exceptions on conditions SZW emergency regulation

    After a period of shutdown and closure of many companies, we have now entered a new phase. More and more companies are slowly ...

    News item | 24-07-2020 | 22:05

  3. Childcare Island Ordinance and subsidy scheme in force

    Effective from July 15th the Childcare Island Ordinance is in force on Bonaire, with quality criteria for childcare ...

    News item | 17-07-2020 | 00:00

  4. SZW already paid out 1000 requests for emergency regulation

    Since the emergency regulation of SZW came into effect at the beginning of this month, requests have been received for more than ...

    News item | 15-04-2020 | 14:52

  5. Exceptions possible on the conditions of the SZW emergency regulation

    Since last Tuesday, applications can be made to the RCN-unit of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) for an emergency regulation ...

    News item | 03-04-2020 | 21:02

  6. Emergency regulation of SZW launches today

    The consequences of the measures in connection with the coronavirus are profound for many companies. The RCN unit of Social ...

    News item | 31-03-2020 | 14:49

  7. Coronavirus: emergency package for entrepreneurs and employees in the Caribbean Netherlands

    As in the European part of the Netherlands, there are also major concerns in the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom about the effects ...

    News item | 20-03-2020 | 17:08

  8. SZW temporarily does not receive patients in connection with coronavirus

    The RCN unit SZW on Bonaire temporarily closes its doors to patients in connection with prevention against COVID19 (the ...

    News item | 16-03-2020 | 20:47

  9. Extra AOV for elderly people with a low income

    From January 1st 2020, the old age pension (Algemene Ouderdomsverzekering, AOV) will be supplemented for elderly people with a ...

    News item | 28-11-2019 | 00:00

  10. Dutch Cabinet sets benchmark for social minimum CN

    The Dutch Cabinet has set a benchmark for a social minimum in the Caribbean Netherlands, an indicative amount that someone at ...

    News item | 27-06-2019 | 22:16