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  1. Changes in BES Healthcare Insurance claims as of January 1st, 2020

    Several elements of the BES Healthcare Insurance Claims Regulation (Regeling Aanspraken Zorgverzekering BES) will change as of ...

    News item | 19-12-2019 | 16:30

  2. New BES(t) 4 Kids regulations for quality and accessibility of childcare

    BES(t) 4 Kids pursues two goals: to strengthen the quality of childcare and after school facilities and to improve financial ...

    News item | 16-12-2019 | 17:04

  3. ACM sets maximum tariffs for 2020

    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has set the maximum tariffs for the production and distribution of ...

    News item | 12-12-2019 | 17:03

  4. Economic contraction on Bonaire and Saba in 2017

    In 2017, the volume of gross domestic product (GDP) declined on Bonaire and Saba, by 1.3 and 1.4 percent respectively. On St ...

    News item | 12-12-2019 | 16:47

  5. RCN Communication provides training in Curaçao

    At the request of the government of Curaçao, two employees of the RCN communication department provided a training last week to ...

    News item | 11-12-2019 | 00:00

  6. Extra AOV for elderly people with a low income

    From January 1st 2020, the old age pension (Algemene Ouderdomsverzekering, AOV) will be supplemented for elderly people with a ...

    News item | 28-11-2019 | 00:00

  7. Four-Country Consultation Education, Culture and Science now annually

    The ministers of Education, Culture and Science of the Kingdom held a ministerial Four-Country Consultation for the second time ...

    News item | 19-11-2019 | 13:49

  8. Child Protection Board on working visit in the CN

    At the invitation of the Guardianship Council Dutch Caribbean, the Child Protection Board (RvdK) is on working visit on Bonaire ...

    News item | 18-11-2019 | 20:18

  9. 47 Applications filed with Schadefonds CN

    Since April 1st, 2019, victims of violent crime on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba are eligible for a one-off compensation ...

    News item | 14-11-2019 | 16:51

  10. New MBO training must reduce scarcity of IT specialists

    On Thursday, October 31st , a meeting took place on Bonaire with governments and the business community about an MBO ICT training ...

    News item | 01-11-2019 | 19:56