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  1. For the time being, no reason to suspend medical referrals ZVK to French St. Martin

    The Dutch Caribbean Healthcare Insurance Office (ZVK) has taken knowledge of social media reports regarding possible cases of ...

    News item | 02-03-2020 | 17:42

  2. Central Dialogue comes up with vision on socio-economic themes

    Recently, in the Central Dialogue Bonaire, an agreement was reached on a Collective Policy Framework 2020-2023 under the ...

    News item | 02-03-2020 | 14:10

  3. Central Dialogue launched on St. Eustatius

    On February 26th 2020, representatives of the local government, the Chamber of Commerce and those of employers and employees met ...

    News item | 27-02-2020 | 14:03

  4. Higher trade deficits on Bonaire and Saba in 2019

    In 2019, Bonaire saw the highest increase in trade deficit among the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands. Saba’s deficit ...

    News item | 19-02-2020 | 14:54

  5. 20 million euros for the Caribbean Netherlands

    The central government is investing 20 million euros in Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire. Thus contributing to the desired ...

    News item | 14-02-2020 | 16:42

  6. Minister Van Veldhoven answers questions House of Representatives about Kadasterwet BES

    Minister Van Veldhoven (Environment and Housing) answered questions today from the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) about ...

    News item | 11-02-2020 | 16:53

  7. Biennial project plan provides for the realization of a Forensic Department within the JICN

    Commissioned by the Directie Sanctietoepassing en Jeugd (Directorate of Sanctions Application and Youth), the Dienst Justitiële ...

    News item | 04-02-2020 | 21:47

  8. Medical referrals to Aruba

    On February 2nd  2020, The Health Insurance Office Caribbean Netherlands (ZVK) received report of the Board of Directors of the ...

    News item | 03-02-2020 | 12:59

  9. Cooperation between BKCN and BOGO extended for two years

    On January 28th, 2020 the cooperation between the Caribbean Netherlands Fire Brigade (BKCN) and the fire department training ...

    News item | 31-01-2020 | 21:56

  10. Update BOPEC (4)

    In October 2019, the joint inspection team (Environment and Transport Inspectorate, Rijkswaterstaat, Occupational Health ...

    News item | 30-01-2020 | 16:56