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902 news items

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  1. DUO opens temporary service centres in the Caribbean Area

    In autumn, the Education Executive Agency [Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs] (DUO) is going to open temporary service centres on ...

    News item | 12-10-2021 | 18:02

  2. Tender for assisting students from Caribbean Netherlands starts

    The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science is conducting a public tender to select a market party for the reception and ...

    News item | 07-10-2021 | 00:00

  3. Marechaussee makes arrest on suspicion of falsifying COVID tests

    The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (KMar) on Bonaire arrested a 42-year-old woman on Wednesday, 6th of October, 2021, on ...

    News item | 06-10-2021 | 00:00

  4. Amendment procedure Attestatie de Vita

    As of the first of November 2021 an important change will take place for recipients of the General Old Age Pension (AOV) who live ...

    News item | 04-10-2021 | 00:00

  5. 2020 Annual Report Commission Supervision Personal Data Protection

    The Commission Supervision Personal Data Protection Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba published the 2020 annual report. In the past ...

    News item | 29-09-2021 | 17:59

  6. Increase opportunities for local students in the labour market

    As of today, the Plenchi di Trabou jobcentre introduces a wage cost subsidy for working with students undertaking an ...

    News item | 27-09-2021 | 21:01

  7. Correctional Institution Caribbean Netherlands gets family room for visitors

    As of the 1st of October 2021, the Judicial Institution Caribbean Netherlands (JICN) will make it possible for detainees to have ...

    News item | 23-09-2021 | 21:17

  8. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) starts Omnibus Survey on Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba

    Between September and December 2021 interviewers from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) will be visiting a random selection of people ...

    News item | 20-09-2021 | 20:50

  9. New P-Direkt building officially opened

    As of November 2020, P-Direkt has taken up use of a new building. However, the official opening was delayed due to the corona ...

    News item | 09-09-2021 | 22:25

  10. Labour Inspectorate checks on companies Saba

    The Labour Inspectorate has carried out various inspections at companies on Saba during the past three weeks. In a total of ...

    News item | 03-09-2021 | 19:09