As of January 1st 2023 the Radiocommunications Agency is going to be renamed the Authority for Digital Infrastructure

Society is becoming more and more digitalised. Not only is the use of (smart) radio equipment increasing, but more and more people are using services via the digital infrastructure. Examples include Internet banking, trading via the Internet, or making phone calls with your mobile telephone. Although there are many economic benefits associated with this, there are also certain risks, such as network outages due to hacking or other disruptions.

Agentschap Telecom wordt RDI

In the European Netherlands the developments have led to an expansion of (supervisory) tasks in the field of digital security. The expectation is that the growth in tasks will continue into the Caribbean Netherlands as well in the coming years. The name 'Authority for Digital Infrastructure' (Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur, RDI) is appropriate in the context of these developments. By contrast the term 'Telecom' is now too narrow due to the broadening of the field of action.

Among other things the RDI will ensure that the (digital) infrastructure in the Caribbean Netherlands is available and reliable, so as to allow uninterrupted use of radio, television, internet and mobile phone services, as well as radio devices and radio receivers.

From the 9th of January onwards you will find more information about RDI on our web page: You may submit any relevant questions from that date onwards by email to Until the 8th of January 2023 you can contact us via the usual channels.