Together against domestic violence and child abuse: the crucial role of citizens
As of 1 January 2025, the Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Protection Code was officially introduced on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. This new regulation not only provides professionals with tools to identify and address violence but also emphasizes the important role of citizens in creating a safe and caring society.

The role of citizens in identifying unsafe situations
Everyone can contribute to preventing and addressing domestic violence and child abuse. Citizens play a crucial role by recognizing and discussing signs of unsafe situations. In relatively small, close-knit societies, such as Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, people see and know each other. This makes it easier to notice when someone is not feeling well or when potentially unsafe situations are occurring at home. Because it can be difficult, especially in a small society, to take action, the Advice and Reporting Centre for Domestic Violence and Child Abuse (Advies- en Meldpunt Huiselijk Geweld en Kindermishandeling, AMHK) focuses on advice and support. Citizens can reach out with questions about signs of violence or abuse and receive advice about ways to help.
In which situations can advise help?
The Advice and Reporting Centre is there for anyone who has doubts or concerns about the personal safety of others. For example, when you notice that an elderly family member is dependent on the care of another but regularly shows signs of anxiety. It may also be that a neighbour tells you they are constantly being monitored by their partner and no longer have access to their own money. Perhaps a friend with a disability confides in you that a caregiver scolds him or her and threatens punishment.
Other examples are when you often hear yelling at a family in the neighbourhood and are concerned about the children, or when a co-worker tells you that she is being physically abused by her partner but is afraid to seek help. In all these situations, the Advice and Reporting Centre can help with practical tips and follow-up steps to support someone or open the conversation.
Contacting the Advice and Reporting Centre
On each island there is an Advice and Reporting Centre that citizens and professionals can contact. On Bonaire, the Advice and Reporting Centre is Guiami, located at Sentro Akseso, reachable by phone at 0802 0802. On St. Eustatius, people can contact the Social Support Units at the Public Entity of St. Eustatius (OLE) at +599 318 4837. For residents of Saba, the Department of Community Development & Culture at the Public Entity of Saba (OLS) is available at +599 416 6936 or +599 416 3053. In extreme or dangerous situations, one should always call the police.
The Advice and Reporting Centre is always available on each island to answer questions and provide support. By recognizing signs and taking action, together we contribute to a safe and caring society in the Caribbean Netherlands.