Cooperation FCB and ZJCN for new assisted living facility
Housing corporation Fundashon Cas Bonairiano (FCB) and the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) will jointly realise new housing for an assisted living facility for young people on Bonaire. On the 11th of March, the cooperation covenant was signed by director Ben Oleana (FCB) and deputy Secretary-General Abigail Norville (VWS).

In the facility on Bonaire young people from the Dutch Caribbean between 16 and 24 years are guided towards more independence. These young people have completed a long-term assistance programme at Youth Care, but can no longer live at home because of the unchanged home situation. The residential facility will be realised for this group.
The cooperation follows a pilot for assisted living that started a year ago. The past year was used to consolidate the facility. This was successful and crowned with a very positive assessment from the Inspectorate of Healthcare and Youth (IGJ).
At the moment, the assisted living facility is housed in a rented apartment complex on the Kaya Sabana. In order to make structural continuation of the facility possible, VWS has now entered into a cooperation covenant with Fundashon Cas Bonairiano.
In the covenant agreements were made about the construction and financing of the new accommodation, the loan agreements and the flow of young people to social housing of Fundashon Cas Bonairiano. Especially the latter is very important for successful corporatization projects, because by guaranteeing the flow the facility will maintain its right of existence and young people from the Dutch Caribbean will really get the chance to build their own lives independently.
The new building will be built on the Kaya Mendelssohn and will offer space to 12 young people. The design takes into account the possibility of future expansion. The completion date of the new building is planned for May 2023.