Information meeting State Examinations for Secondary Education
Since 2011 it has been possible on Bonaire to sit the Dutch State Examination (Staatsexamen) for Secondary Education in many subjects, at the level of VMBO (preparatory vocational secondary education), HAVO (senior general secondary education) and VWO (pre-university education). In this context DUO organises, in association with RCN/OCW, an information evening on Tuesday 1st of September 2020. This meeting is meant for (parents of) young people of school age and everyone in the region who intends to sit for the State Examination on Bonaire.

It shall, among other things, be explained what the examination entails exactly and for whom it is meant. Moreover, the differences and similarities between the State Examination and the regular education are discussed, as well as the practical aspects. Think about for instance, the registration procedure and the relevant costs, when the examinations take place specifically, how and where they are taken and how people can best prepare for them.
The State Exam is not only intended for young people attending school. Anyone can participate, such as early school leavers, diploma improvers, chronically ill pupils, the elderly, prisoners, pupils from secondary special education (VSO) schools and pupils from schools that do not have an exam license, such as a number of private schools. It is possible to opt for a complete curriculum or for a number of individual subjects.
Interested persons are welcome at the information meeting in the Cacique room of the Plaza Beach & Dive Resort Bonaire on Tuesday September 1, 2020 from 19:30 o’clock.