News - Infrastructure & Water Management

30 news items on Infrastructure & Water Management

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  1. ILT's enforcement actions at BOPEC (update 1)

    On Friday, January 5, BOPEC responded to the intention of the Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT).

    News item | 05-01-2018 | 16:56

  2. CN-Express is experiencing delays

    The CN Express, the direct flight between Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, is experiencing delays. This connection between the ...

    News item | 03-01-2018 | 19:22

  3. Electricity and drinking water rates on Bonaire are calculated with new system

    On April 1st, 2018 Bonaire will get a new tariff system for electricity and drinking water. This system is a result of the ”Wet ...

    News item | 22-12-2017 | 21:09

  4. CN express connects Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba

    The Ministries of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Infrastructure and Water Management and the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland ...

    News item | 18-12-2017 | 21:50

  5. Enforcement actions ILT and RWS at BOPEC on Bonaire

    Bonaire Petroleum Corporation N.V. (BOPEC) has until January 5th, 2018 to prove that they can deal with the serious arrears in ...

    News item | 08-12-2017 | 21:55

  6. State Secretary Knops and Statia hold frank and open talks

    On Thursday November 29th during his inaugural visit to St. Eustatius State, Secretary of the Ministry of Interior of Kingdom ...

    News item | 01-12-2017 | 19:40

  7. New Solar Park supplies entire Statia with electricity

    On St. Eustatius, one of the three Public Entities of the Caribbean Netherlands, on the 15th of November a solar park will be ...

    News item | 16-11-2017 | 17:01

  8. CBS: Increase in flight movements in second quarter

    Airplanes flew 5,190 times from and to the Caribbean Netherlands in the second quarter. Compared to the second quarter of 2016 ...

    News item | 22-09-2017 | 00:00

  9. Kingdom Council of Ministers meets about hurricane Irma

    Today the Kingdom Council of Ministers met to talk about the current situation on the islands of St. Maarten, Saba and St. ...

    News item | 12-09-2017 | 00:00

  10. Support in preparation for Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom

    Hurricane Irma will pass through the Caribbean islands of St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Maarten from Tuesday night through ...

    News item | 05-09-2017 | 00:00