Non-Applicability Declaration
Who is this form for?
- Dutch citizens born on Bonaire, St. Eustatius or Saba;
- Dutch citizens born in the Kingdom of whom one of the parents was born on Bonaire, St. Eustatius or Saba;
- Dutch citizens residing in Bonaire, St. Eustatius or Saba since October 10th, 2009 and who were registered here until October 11th, 2010;
- Aliens who have obtained Dutch citizenship on Bonaire, St. Eustatius or Saba;
- If the law does not apply to one of the parents, then it does not apply to the children born in the Kingdom.
Why this form?
With this form, you can apply for a non-applicability declaration (N/A) (Section 1a Wet Toelating en Uitzetting-BES). This demonstrates that you are not subject to the provisions of the Wet Toelating en Uitzetting.
What documents should I enclose?
This depends on your situation. The form lists which documents you need to enclose in your situation. Make sure you enclose everything. Only complete applications will be considered.
Where do I submit my form?
You can submit your application in person at one of the IND-unit Caribbean Netherlands offices. To submit an application you need to make an appointment in advance. Look for the contact information and opening hours of all IND offices on the contact page.
Do you have Dutch nationality? Then you can also submit an application online.
What happens to my application?
If you have submitted your application in person to one of the offices of the IND-unit Caribbean Netherlands and your application is complete, your application will be processed. If your application is not complete, it cannot be assessed. You will receive written notice once your application has been decided on.