Who do children and parents deal with in a conflict divorce?


Parents who are married need a lawyer to get a divorce. They have to take care of this themselves. The lawyer is present at the court hearing. The lawyer can also be a mediator.


A mediator is someone whose job it is to resolve conflicts. He will talk to the parents and the child to find out what they want. This way he tries to help the parents so that they agree on the care of the children after the divorce. Parents can access Youth care CN or the Centre for Youth and Families for mediation in a contentious divorce.

Council investigator

This is an employee of the Guardianship Council CN who provides advice in a contentious divorce, if the court so requests. It is about how the care for the children can best be arranged, or about parental authority or child support payments. The Council investigator conducts interviews with the parents, children and others who know the family well. His job is to stand up for the best interests of the child. His advice goes to the court.


A family judge makes a decision about the best arrangement for the children. This happens in a meeting in court: the hearing.