OCW and school boards appeal to parents and guardians
Based on the emergency ordinance that came into effect on Bonaire on March 18th , all schools have closed their doors. This does not mean that the holiday has started. For the benefit of the pupils, the schools have chosen to offer distance learning. This means that all pupils in primary and secondary education continue to receive home / school work to make at home. The teacher / mentor gives guidance remotely, checks the homework and explains where necessary. The student and teacher can communicate with each other via telephone, app or email.

The school boards and the Ministry of Education want to make an urgent appeal to all parents and guardians to motivate and encourage their children to do their homework and to keep in touch with their teacher / mentor. This period is just a teaching period, only the way of teaching is different. Teachers and schools are doing their utmost to avoid delays in the development of our students. That is why we once again appeal to all parents and guardians to fulfill their responsibility. Check, help and ensure that your child does his homework and returns it on time.
In response to the worldwide crisis that has arisen due to the coronavirus, the Dutch Minister of Education has decided to cancel all central exams for the type of education vmbo, mavo, havo, vwo, for the 2019/2020 school year. This drastic decision brings many changes.
First, there will be no central exam as usual in the months of May and June of this school year. The school exam that the school itself takes will determine whether the student has successfully completed the school year. This year's final mark is the rounded mark of the school exam. Normally the final mark consists of an average of the mark of the school exam and the central exam.
Second, the pass standard will be adjusted this year due to the unusual circumstances. In the course of the coming weeks there will be more clarity about which standard will apply.
Schools must ensure that all school exams are carried out in accordance with the PTA (Program of Assessment and Closure). Changes to the PTA can only be made in consultation with the Education Inspectorate and advice from the School Council.
Finally, it must be agreed in which period the diploma and list of marks will be awarded. Exam class students are requested to stay in touch with the school for the latest developments.