Renovated Kolegio San Luis Bertran in Rincon put into service
Teacher Jane Lo-A-Njoe of Kolegio San Luis Bertran recently received the keys of the renovated school building in Rincon from Asdrubal Marcano of APA Constructions NV.

The school can now start putting the renovated building into service, so that the students can start the new academic year on August 21 at their ‘old location’ on Kaya Bototé.
The official celebratory opening of the school will be in December of this year.
The renovation of Kolegio San Luis Bertran is part of the educational buildings programme, which is being implemented by order of the Public Entity Bonaire and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science [Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap]. Jacobs Architekten NV is responsible for the design of the school.