Diploma recognition for job applicants
Under the terms of the law all teachers in the Caribbean Netherlands should have a diploma which is recognised by the OCW (Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap; Ministry of Education, Culture and Science). Diplomas of job applicants who did not obtain their qualification in the Netherlands or at an educational body recognized by the NVAO*, should be assessed during the application procedure.
It has been agreed that the school boards will send diplomas of job applicants in question to the RCN/OCW for assessment by the Nuffic**. If a diploma receives a positive assessment, the procedure to obtain a declaration of qualification will be launched for the job applicant.
School boards which want to hire job applicants with a negative assessment, should obtain special permission from the Inspectorate of Education to do so.
*Nederlands Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie (Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders).
This is the organisation which accredits all training courses in the Netherlands.