CBS: Launch National Accounts Survey 2019 in Caribbean Netherlands
During the next months, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) will carry out a survey on production revenues and costs in the Caribbean Netherlands: the National Accounts Survey 2019. The survey aims to show the economic development on the three islands. The organisations on the islands will be approached by CBS to complete the questionnaire.

A large part of the investigation will be based on available resources, in order to reduce the burden on the organisations as much as possible. A small part of the organisations on Bonaire will be addressed through a letter, since CBS is not able to obtain the information of these organisations through other sources. The results of the survey will be published in the last quarter of 2021.
Some results of the 2018 survey:
- In 2018, Bonaire's gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 3.9 percent in volume. St Eustatius recorded a contraction of 11.8 percent and Saba’s GDP declined by 2.5 percent.
- The value added of the accommodation and food services sector on Bonaire rose by 19.3 percent. This made it the fastest-growing sector in 2018, together with financial institutions. The value added of the construction sector increased by 13 percent.
- The contraction on St. Eustatius, by 11.8 percent, was related to a few large companies on the island. Their production is mainly export-oriented and dependent on regional developments in the oil sector. In addition, they were affected in 2018 by the consequences of hurricanes Irma and Maria, which moved along the Windward Islands in September 2017.
- On Saba, the contraction was caused by the effects of hurricanes Irma and Maria. Inbound tourism by sea and air dropped by nearly 16 percent in 2018. This diminished the value added of the accommodation and food services sector.
CBS is required by Law to treat all information collected as strictly confidential.
CBS would like to thank all selected organisations in advance for their cooperation and, if necessary, is available to assist when completing the questionnaire.
For further information and questions CBS office on Bonaire can be contacted.
CBS Caribbean Netherlands
Bulevar Gobernador N. Debrot 67, unit 9
Kralendijk Bonaire
Phone: +599 717 8676