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  1. Letter containing a progress report on elections in St Eustatius

    Letter | 22-10-2020

  2. Application form employers emergency regulation SZW

    Form | 08-10-2020

  3. Application form employees emergency regulation SZW

    Form | 08-10-2020

  4. Fixed term residence permit without MVV

    Form | 25-09-2020

  5. Fixed term residence permit with MVV

    Form | 25-09-2020

  6. Application for Authorisation for a Temporary Stay

    Form | 25-09-2020

  7. Employers' declaration/proof of independent, sustainable and sufficient means of existence

    Form | 25-09-2020

  8. Guarantee from education institution

    Form | 25-09-2020

  9. Acknowledgement of temporary residence right

    Form | 25-09-2020

  10. Guarantee

    Form | 25-09-2020