Equipment and medication for 6 mobile IC sites on Bonaire
Respirators, medicines and protective equipment for the care of corona patients arrived at Flamingo Airport from the Netherlands on Saturday 11 April. This will enable the Mariadal hospital to technically prepare 6 ICU respiratory beds. Furthermore, there are now medicines and protective equipment on Bonaire that are needed to provide the necessary care when the first corona infection presents itself.

More medical staff is needed to fully strengthen the medical capacity. VWS has made agreements on this with an international company that deploys medical staff. The first team of doctors and nurses to be deployed in this manner started work on Sint Maarten this week. More medical staff for Bonaire also will follow, in addition to the medical teams that have already arrived from Colombia and Amsterdam.
Island Governor Edison Rijna: “These are important steps to ensure that we are prepared for the coronavirus on Bonaire. Although we have not yet discovered any infections, that day will also come for Bonaire. I therefore ask everyone on Bonaire to adhere to all preventive measures. In addition to the 1.5 meter social distance and hygiene regulations that you can apply yourself to prevent spreading of the virus, the measures in the emergency ordinance also remain in force. Together we must ensure that we remain in control of corona. Together against corona!”