The Combined Lifestyle Intervention, collaboration for a healthy lifestyle on Bonaire

Primary Care Caribbean, Care and Youth Caribbean Netherlands (ZJCN), Fysio di Bario, Bon Bida Bonaire Health Centre and JOGG (Healthy Youth, Healthy Future) are working together to make the Combined Lifestyle Intervention (GLI) available to overweight or obese residents on Bonaire. The GLI is a two-year programme with guidance from a lifestyle coach.

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Combined Lifestyle Intervention

Lifestyle coaches from the physiotherapy practices of Bon Bida Bonaire Health Centre and Physio di Bario conduct the GLI. The focus of the GLI is not only to lose weight, but also to help people live a healthy life and feel fit. A healthy weight and regular exercise help prevent various health problems. In the GLI, lifestyle coaches, together with the participant, look for ways in which a person can adopt and maintain a healthier lifestyle. This varies from person to person and is a unique programme.


The support staff at GP practices in Bonaire will have a role in referral to the GLI. They can refer overweight or obese adults to a GLI if it is appropriate for a person's situation. On the 5th, 6th, and 10th of June, practice support workers in Bonaire received training. In the training, practice support workers learned, among other things, how to have motivational conversations with overweight or obese people about their lifestyle and how to help them get the right support and care. JOGG conducted this training in Bonaire, together with the implementers of the GLI. The participants will receive a certificate.

Last years, parties on Bonaire practiced the GLI through a pilot. Based on these experiences, several adjustments were made to make the GLI more appropriate for Bonaire.

News release on behalf of ZJCN, PCC, Physio di Bario, Bon Bida Bonaire Health Centre and JOGG.