Foster care fees and allowances for foster parents in Caribbean Netherlands increase
The basic amounts and allowances of the foster care allowance for foster parents will increase by 14.3 per cent in 2023. The new amounts are set out in an adjustment regulation issued by the State Secretary of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) that relates to the Jeugdwet (Youth Act) and de Regeling pleegzorg BES ( BES Foster Care Regulation). The Care and Youth Directorate (ZJCN) of VWS is responsible for the implementation of foster care in the Caribbean Netherlands.

When foster care?
Every child should grow up in a safe place with love and structure. Sometimes there are problems in a family that temporarily prevent a child from living at home. ZJCN's Youth Care Department is the foster care provider and it first looks at whether a child can live temporarily with someone else within the family's network. If this is not possible, a child can be placed in a foster family. This form of care is called foster care and is most similar to the natural family situation. This is often the most pleasant for a child. Foster parents then take over the child's care for a short or longer period of time.
The increase in foster care fees is good news for foster parents in the Caribbean Netherlands. Foster care fees are meant to financially support foster parents in the care and upbringing of minors living in foster homes. For example, to pay for day care, after-school activities, clothing and living expenses.
The amounts in the Youth Act Regulations and the BES Foster Care Regulations are increased each year by the percentage difference between the consumer price index in the third quarter of the current year compared to the previous year.
For up-to-date information on foster care and allowances, visit the website