ZJCN call for unprocessed complaints
Did you submit a complaint and it has not been handled by ZJCN and do you still want it to be handled? The ZJCN invites all insured of Saba and Statia that didn’t receive any reaction on their complaints to please inform.

ZJCN calls on residents of Saba and Statia who have previously submitted complaints dating back more than 6 months, and didn’t received a response, to re-submit their complaint. Those complaints will be treated with priority.
The complaints officer of ZJCN will be on Saba on March 1st from 1 pm to 5 pm, and on Statia on March 3rd from 8 am to 12pm and 2 pm to 5 pm. Please schedule an appointment with the ZJCN complaints officer during those times via klacht@zorgverzekeringskantoor.nl or make an appointment via your local ZJCN office.