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902 news items

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  1. Prime Minister Rutte to Bonaire

    Prime Minister Rutte and State Secretary Knops (Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations) will visit Bonaire, Curaçao and Aruba on ...

    News item | 16-01-2019 | 16:59

  2. Vice-president Council of State visits Dutch Caribbean

    The vice-president of the Council of State, Mr. Th.C. de Graaf, who was appointed in November last year, will bring an ...

    News item | 16-01-2019 | 16:22

  3. Campaign on violence in relationships: It doesn’t stop by itself

    The ministries of Justice and Security and of Health, Welfare and Sport, in collaboration with the public entities, have set up ...

    News item | 16-01-2019 | 15:26

  4. Multi-annual plan for boosting childcare starts

    During their visit to Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire, State Secretaries Van Ark and Knops signed a multi-annual plan for ...

    News item | 10-01-2019 | 18:12

  5. Danny Rojer program manager governmental agreement

    Danny Royer is candidate program manager governmental agreement Bonaire. Currently he works at the hospital Mariadal and before ...

    News item | 10-01-2019 | 17:02

  6. Work visit state secretaries Van Ark and Knops

    From January 6th till January 10th  Minister Van Nieuwenhuizen  (Infrastructure and  Water Management), state secretary Van Ark ...

    News item | 04-01-2019 | 00:00

  7. JGCN starts walk-in consultation hour

    As of January 1st, Jeugdzorg and Gezinsvoogdij Caribisch Nederland offers weekly walk-in consultation hours. In this way, the ...

    News item | 03-01-2019 | 19:39

  8. More people are eligible for special social relief

    The income threshold for receiving special social relief has been increased to 120% of the statutory minimum wage from 1 January ...

    News item | 03-01-2019 | 14:35

  9. Pharmacists will check whether prescriptions are in accordance with the ‘G-Standaard’

    As of 2019, pharmacists on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba and the Healthcare Insurance Office (Zorgverzekeringskantoor, ...

    News item | 20-12-2018 | 15:39

  10. ACM publishes maximum tariffs 2019 for electricity and drinking water in Saba

    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (hereinafter referred to as ACM) sets new maximum tariffs as of January 1st, ...

    News item | 19-12-2018 | 17:00