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  1. Caribbean Dutch population larger and older by 2030

    According to the latest forecast by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the population of the three islands of the Caribbean ...

    News item | 30-07-2019 | 21:32

  2. ZVK brings waiting list for MRI scans back to zero

    The BES Health Insurance Office (ZVK) has eliminated the waiting list for MRI scans for Bonaire patients in 4 weeks. There were ...

    News item | 25-07-2019 | 00:00

  3. End to single use plastic in the Caribbean Netherlands

    Caribbean Netherlands bans the use of single use plastic. Therefor Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire signed an agreement with State ...

    News item | 18-07-2019 | 18:14

  4. Consumer prices on Bonaire 1.1 percent up

    In Q2 2019, consumer goods and services on Bonaire were 1.1 percent more expensive than one year previously. In the first ...

    News item | 17-07-2019 | 21:37

  5. Attention for action against domestic violence still necessary

    Active efforts have been made with the “E no ta stòp di mes” project and the awareness campaign for all chain partners involved ...

    News item | 15-07-2019 | 00:00

  6. State Secretary Van Veldhoven visits The Caribbean Netherlands

    State Secretary Stientje van Veldhoven (Infrastructure and  Water Management), will pay a working visit to Saba, St. Eustatius ...

    News item | 10-07-2019 | 18:57

  7. Teachers precents MBO1 certificate

    An important part of the reintegration and re-socialization of detainees is education. Since the commissioning of JICN, there are ...

    News item | 04-07-2019 | 18:03

  8. Temporary subsidy scheme launched to prevent robberies

    On July 1st, Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven launches a temporary subsidy scheme for preventative measures to reduce robberies on ...

    News item | 01-07-2019 | 17:50

  9. Nobody should get sick from work

    On July 1st, 2019 The Occupational Safety Decree IV Caribbean Netherlands (‘Arbeidsveiligheidsbesluit IV Caribisch Nederland’) ...

    News item | 01-07-2019 | 00:00

  10. Q&A’s BES(t) 4 kids

    Extra money to improve childcare in the Caribbean Netherlands

    News item | 28-06-2019 | 17:55