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  1. Income tax return

    BelastingdienstCN would like to inform you about the measures that have been taken at the moment regarding the Income Tax Return ...

    News item | 25-03-2020 | 12:59

  2. Hospital expands with 11 medical specialists and 2 air ambulances

    In preparation for a possible spread of the Corona virus on Bonaire, far-reaching measures have been taken by the hospital. On ...

    News item | 24-03-2020 | 21:15

  3. OCW and school boards appeal to parents and guardians

    Based on the emergency ordinance that came into effect on Bonaire on March 18th , all schools have closed their doors. This does ...

    News item | 24-03-2020 | 20:55

  4. Public Health: “Is mass testing on the Coronavirus useful?”

    Many opinions on whether or not to test on the Coronavirus are circulating on social media. Many people feel that mass testing ...

    News item | 24-03-2020 | 20:34

  5. Public Health Analysis of US tourists tested positive

    The investigation by the Public Health Department, under the direction of the EBT, has been started and is still ongoing. The ...

    News item | 23-03-2020 | 22:06

  6. Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland will be lenient towards tax payers because of Corona virus

    In connection with the Corona virus, Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland will exercise leniency when it comes to assessment and ...

    News item | 23-03-2020 | 14:29

  7. Clarification of the term quarantine

    Ambiguity has arisen about the interpretation of the request for quarantine and how this relates to i.e. the people who have ...

    News item | 21-03-2020 | 00:39

  8. Conclusion concerning inventory of residents of Bonaire abroad

    In the coming days an inventory will be made of how many residents of Bonaire are abroad, so that help can be provided in an ...

    News item | 21-03-2020 | 00:07

  9. Repatriation of ZVK policyholders from Colombia

    On Friday March 20th, several charter flights from Sarpa and EZ Air will arrive from Colombia with residents of the Caribbean ...

    News item | 20-03-2020 | 18:41

  10. Coronavirus: emergency package for entrepreneurs and employees in the Caribbean Netherlands

    As in the European part of the Netherlands, there are also major concerns in the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom about the effects ...

    News item | 20-03-2020 | 17:08