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  1. Tests and examinations in the MBO (senior secondary vocational education)

    Examining is continued as much as possible for students who can obtain a diploma this study year. These students are given ...

    News item | 03-04-2020 | 16:04

  2. This school year, 2019/2020, there shall not be a final test for the pupils in group 8 of the primary school.

    As known, the Dutch government reached the decision to, in consultation with the educational partners, cancel the final test for ...

    News item | 03-04-2020 | 15:59

  3. Statement Island Governor Edison Rijna 31-3-2020

    Good evening everyone, I can inform you that we are still at 0 infections. Meanwhile, 16 tests were taken. The Public Health ...

    News item | 02-04-2020 | 22:05

  4. Belastingdienst / Customs CN with exemption from ABB on the import of personal protective equipment

    The corona virus poses major challenges for citizens and companies. Customs CN also sees that many want to contribute to the ...

    News item | 31-03-2020 | 15:39

  5. Emergency regulation of SZW launches today

    The consequences of the measures in connection with the coronavirus are profound for many companies. The RCN unit of Social ...

    News item | 31-03-2020 | 14:49

  6. Measures against corona crisis extra tough on vulnerable children

    Vulnerable children have a particularly hard time during the corona crisis and the measures regarding ‘social distancing’.  There ...

    News item | 31-03-2020 | 14:13

  7. Extension of ban on meetings and events

    From March 27 the emergency ordinance is prolonged with a general ban on events. Gatherings of more than 50 people are also ...

    News item | 28-03-2020 | 00:27

  8. Bonaire residents receive aid

    As a result of the inventory by the Society and Care department of the Public Entity of Bonaire, up to and including March 23th, ...

    News item | 27-03-2020 | 02:32

  9. Statement Island Governor Edison Rijna

    We all need to get used to the measures we have taken. For us, this means a press conference applying ‘social distancing’. We now ...

    News item | 26-03-2020 | 16:23

  10. Belastingdients / CN with special deferral of payment

    Belastingdients / CN is aware of the enormous consequences of the Corona virus and therefore takes measures to mitigate the ...

    News item | 25-03-2020 | 22:34