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902 news items

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  1. New CAO and pension scheme for RCN civil servants

    On Thursday May the 20th, 2021, negotiators from the unions and RCN signed an agreement on adjustment of the pension scheme and ...

    News item | 20-05-2021 | 21:54

  2. Start childcare pilot project for children with special needs

    As of May the 17th, 6 childcare organizations on Bonaire will start an inclusive childcare pilot project for children that need ...

    News item | 19-05-2021 | 14:50

  3. Unions and RCN have reached a negotiation result

    On Wednesday May the 19th, the unions of the organized consultation (ABVO, ACOM, NAPB and STrAF) and the mandated employer on ...

    News item | 19-05-2021 | 00:00

  4. Royal Netherlands Marechaussee finds manipulated passport, bag full of banknotes and drunk driver during border patrol duties on Bonaire and St. Eustatius

    Last week, the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee arrested a Colombian man at Flamingo International Airport for forgery. The man ...

    News item | 18-05-2021 | 23:47

  5. Fraud with corona support tackled severely by the court

    The first session on fraud with corona support took place on Wednesday 12th of May. Project developer M.D.K. was on trial for ...

    News item | 18-05-2021 | 23:33

  6. Ingrid Sealy new IND Unit Manager as of the 28th of June

    Ingrid Sealy was born in the Netherlands and grew up in Bonaire. After completing a study in Criminology at the Vrije ...

    News item | 18-05-2021 | 23:18

  7. UNICEF NL facilitates results-based management training (RBM)

    As part of the Caribbean Dutch Children's Rights Program, UNICEF Netherlands facilitated a Results-Based Management Training from ...

    News item | 12-05-2021 | 22:29

  8. State Secretary Raymond Knops visits St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Maarten

    State Secretary Raymond Knops (Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations) will pay a working visit to St. Eustatius, Saba and St. ...

    News item | 12-05-2021 | 22:28

  9. MCB Bonaire meets privacy standard

    More than a year after Data protection Authority BES (CBP BES) conducted an investigation into the privacy risks at the MCB on ...

    News item | 11-05-2021 | 22:19

  10. Speech of the acting Kingdom Representant, Jan Helmond at the Remembrance day ceremony

    Ladies and gentlemen, Last year, when we had gathered here as a select committee to commemorate 75 years of freedom, I ended my ...

    News item | 06-05-2021 | 18:30