CBS visits schools – to tell kids all about the value of data
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) recently launched a public campaign to tell people on Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius about the value of data. Because after all, CBS collects data and provides statistics in the Caribbean Netherlands. These special lessons are all about the value of data, but also include how to differentiate between a fact and an opinion. CBS visits all elementary school children in the years 7 and 8 on Bonaire. There is the intention to provide lessons on Saba and St Eustatius too.

The first classes are taking place on Bonaire
Why is it important to know how many people live on the island? Bonaire’s population has been growing for years. It has increased by 40% over the past decade, and by 60% over the past 15 years. The children learn how we can use population figures to plan how many new schools and other facilities to build in the future. We as community also need accurate figures to make forecasts and inform the public debate.

A really interesting subject
The lessons are being taught by Esther Meijer-Sedney (CBS Caribbean Netherlands office) and Arjan van der Meer (CBS in the Netherlands).
‘Children find population a fascinating subject,’ says Meijer. ‘But if we tell you that the population of Bonaire grew by 1,451 last year, that number only starts to make sense when we explain that for every 100 residents, six new ones were added – either because of new babies being born or immigration (Bonaire had an official total 26,584 residents, as of 1 January 2025).’
Arjan van der Meer: ‘We ask them what facilities would you like to see in the future? More playgrounds is one answer we often hear. But also: a candy tree with lots of delicious sweets growing on it! The children participate well in the lessons, listen carefully and give the right answers – so we’re pretty sure they find the subject interesting!’
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) – facts that matter