Flash estimate for price changes on Bonaire

Since this year, CBS has been publishing a flash estimate of price developments on Bonaire in the months leading up to the end of each quarter. This estimate provides an indication of the expected inflation. For the first quarter of 2025, the preliminary quarterly change is +1.8%, and the preliminary annual change is +3.5%.

Supermarktmedewerker op Bonaire vult vakken bij
Image: © CBS

What does the Flash Estimate entail?

The flash estimate provides an estimate of price developments for the current quarter, based on the data available at that time. For this estimate, CBS only publishes the (preliminary) quarterly and annual changes in the consumer price index (CPI). The index figure itself is not published. These changes are not suitable for indexation.

Flash estimates are currently only made for Bonaire. For Sint Eustatius and Saba, the available source data is currently insufficient for a flash estimate.

What is the CPI?

The CPI is published quarterly and concerns price changes in the goods and services purchased by consumers on the islands of Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba. Together, these three islands constitute the Caribbean Netherlands. Price changes are reflected in a price index: the consumer price index (CPI).

The year-on-year change in the CPI is an important factor in determining inflation. The year-on-year change is calculated as the percentage change in the CPI in the given reporting quarter compared with the same quarter of the previous year.

What type of survey is conducted?

The survey is based on the monthly data collected on prices from the companies and institutions that supply goods and services to consumers. The monthly data collected is used to calculate average prices per quarter. Price indices for specific product groups are calculated based on these average quarterly prices, and these are aggregated to calculate the CPI.

Which data collection methods are used?

Prices are recorded by interviewers who visit shops. CBS also collects data through questionnaires and internet monitoring.


StatLine - Caribisch Nederland; consumentenprijsindex (CPI)