Law proposal 'Protection against discrimination on the BES’ feasible and necessary
The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) is working on equal treatment legislation in the Caribbean parts of the Netherlands. Surveys on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba show that the law proposal is feasible and important to the residents of the islands.

The new legislation means that residents of Bonaire, St. Eustatius, and Saba can soon invoke the equal treatment legislation if they feel discriminated against. This legislation currently only applies in the European part of the Netherlands.
The political factions in the House of Representatives are positive about the law proposal. They do still wonder what practical and financial impact the implementation of the equal treatment legislation has on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, and whether the bill takes sufficient account of the Caribbean circumstances. Last Friday, the Minister of BZK sent the answers to the questions of the House of Representatives to the House.
An external research firm examined the impact of the equal treatment legislation. The main conclusions are that the new legislation is feasible and also necessary; discrimination is widely experienced on the islands. However, support for visits to an anti-discrimination desk for help and assistance is yet to grow. Active information on the meaning of the new Act and the possibility of obtaining assistance is therefore important. The Minister also indicates that there is room for customisation so that the local circumstances can be taken into account in the implementation.
The full research report was sent with the answers to the House of Representatives. You can read it here. The debate and vote on the law proposal is due shortly.