Controllable growth and sustainable development are central to the Bonaire Administrative Agreement

State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen, together with the Bonaire Executive Council, signed the Bonaire 2024-2027 Administrative Agreement. This administrative agreement sets out the agreements between Bonaire and the central government. The Administrative Agreement forms the basis for a multi-year and sustainable collaboration between Bonaire and the central government. The agreement focuses on controllable growth and sustainable development of the island. These have been translated into three substantive pillars: a just society, an integrated approach to sustainable development and strong governance and participatory democracy.

Bestuursakkoord 2024-2027

Just society

Under the heading 'Working on Prosperity and Welfare', Bonaire and the ministries of SZW, OCW, VWS and BZK are working on greater social security for Bonaire residents. With sufficient and predictable income, a suitable and affordable home and fewer financial worries. In the future, residents who are stressed about debts should be able to turn to a fully-fledged debt assistance system for help. Youth is also central to the agreement. For example, thanks to an island 'child package', young people can participate in sports, art and cultural activities, regardless of their family or financial circumstances. With the aim that young people can develop optimally and discover their talents. It has also been agreed that the government will explore whether an income-related child scheme is possible for the Caribbean Netherlands.

Sustainable development through controllable growth

Bonaire has grown enormously in recent years. In order to keep up with growth, the Executive Council wants Bonaire to grow in a controlled manner in the coming years. The Executive Council and the central government have agreed to do this on the basis of the World Bank's slow growth model. The slow growth model is an economic development strategy that focuses on controlled and sustainable growth, rather than rapid expansion. The model is used to prevent Bonaire from growing too quickly, which can lead to uncontrolled urbanization, infrastructure problems, and environmental damage. This controlled growth can be guaranteed by introducing a Housing and Establishment Regulation by the Public Entity of Bonaire (OLB).

Promotion of Papiamentu

Work is also being done to strengthen the socio-economic and social ties of the residents with the island. The basic principles are that Bonaire's culture is visible and recognizable, that Papiamentu plays a central role in society and that citizens feel involved in the island and the local government. To promote Papiamentu, the BZK is making a one-off €1 million available for the protection and promotion of Papiamentu on Bonaire. This money can be used to implement the agreements in the Papiamentu Administrative Agreement. The resources are made available to the language institute 'Akademia Papiamentu' through the free social benefit to Bonaire.

Public transport and enforcement

In the context of sustainable development, the administrative agreement gives priority to realizing public transport, improving the licensing, supervision and enforcement system (VTH), improving infrastructure, and integrated area development. The intention is for the first public transport to operate on Bonaire from 2025. Furthermore, the Executive Council and the central government will ensure robust further development of the licensing, supervision and enforcement system by, among other things, making the systems more effective and efficient.

Strong and participatory democracy

The Administrative Agreement pays a lot of attention to properly informing residents about government policy. In addition, work is being done to provide better legal support to the residents of Bonaire. To improve contact with citizens and increase the accessibility of services, further digitalization is being pursued. For this purpose, use is made of the Updated Working Agenda for Values-Driven Digitization 2024, in which work is being done to strengthen the digital society in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.

Strengthen execution power

In order to realize the sustainable approach, agreements have been made on a number of important principles. For example, strengthening implementation power is one of the most important priorities of the Bonairean Executive Council. This is also desperately needed to implement the agreements in the agreement. This means that strong efforts are being made to strengthen administrative strength, the civil service apparatus and the further development of the organization. Furthermore, Bonaire and the central government are committed to equality for residents of the islands, taking into account the special position of the island.

The Administrative Agreement was signed on Tuesday, the 28th of May, by State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen and acting Governor Nolly Oleana.