Appointment labour dispute mediator

The Labour Disputes (BES) Act 1946 includes the position of mediator. In agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW), the acting Kingdom Representative appointed Richard Arends as mediator for Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius effective from the 1st of July 2024. He succeeds Anselmo Pontilius who has been mediator since 2014.

Bemiddelaar arbeidsgeschillen Richard Arends

A harmonious working climate in the Caribbean Netherlands is of great importance. The mediator contributes to the promotion of this. He does this, among other things, through conflict mediation within businesses to prevent industrial action. The mediator also contributes to the establishment of collective labour agreements and he can organise a referendum at the request of employers (organisations) and/or employees / trade unions. With a referendum, it can be determined which trade association (union) is designated by the majority of employees to represent them. In addition, the mediator can be asked by SZW to advise on labour-political issues. The mediator has no role in individual cases.

The selection process involved the Ministry of SZW and representatives on behalf of employer and employee organisations. Richard Arends was appointed because of his legal background and broad experience, also in the field of industrial relations. Moreover, Richard Arends is a person who is considered to be perfectly capable of fulfilling the role of bridge builder. Prior to the start of his official duties on the 1st of July 2024, he will undertake a round of introductions. 

If parties wish to appeal to the mediator then they can do so through the SZW unit of the RCN, Labour Affairs Department:, 715 8888 or 795 5107.