SDKK on an internship at JICN for the Twinning Program

A unique Twinning Program started May 13th, at JICN. Colleagues from the Sentro di Detenshon i Korekshon Korsou (SDKK) will participate in an internship at the JICN on Bonaire for 14 days as part of this program.

During this internship, colleagues from various disciplines of the SDKK will have the opportunity to observe and gain experience within JICN. They will specifically observe how we use our detention and reintegration processes and how we shape our work instructions in the area of treatment.

It is very important to exchange experience and knowledge and this Twinning Program offers the ideal opportunity for this. By working together and learning from each other, we strive to enrich both our organizations and deepen mutual ties.

The group of colleagues consists of department heads, team leaders, activity supervisors, penitentiary workers and security guards. We look forward to a valuable and fruitful collaboration and are convinced that this Twinning Program will contribute to strengthening our partnership.