Consultation postcodes for Caribbean Netherlands launched

There is currently no postcode system in Bonaire, Saba, and St. Eustatius. As a result, post for residents, entrepreneurs, and (official) organisations often does not arrive or arrives too late. Also, without a postcode, online services (e-commerce) cannot be used. To improve the (online) government services in the Caribbean Netherlands, there is a proposal to establish postcodes in the series 0000AA-0999ZZ. The internet consultation is open to all and you can contribute and respond until the 26th of August.

Postcodes Caribisch Nederland

A new postcode system

The proposal to establish postcodes for the Caribbean Netherlands in the series 0000AA-0999ZZ is based on the advisory report of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK). In 2024 it was examined how postcodes can contribute to better postal deliveries. 

The proposal takes the following points into account:  

  • The postcode system can be used throughout the Caribbean Netherlands.
  •  The postcode system is in line with the system in the European Netherlands.
  • The island can be identified on the basis of the postcode. The minimum variant is one postcode per island.
  • The postcode system must be flexible and prepared for growth.

The advice and the proposal were realised in consultation with the Public Entities of Bonaire, Saba, and St. Eustatius, implementing organisations, businesses, FXDC, PostNL, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK).

Give your reaction

Do you have an idea or do you want to think along? React via the internet consultation Postcodes for the Caribbean Netherlands on You can react in Dutch, English, and Papiamentu.