A diploma and certificates awarded to JICN detainees

How do you improve the employment opportunities of detainees during their reintegration process? JICN and Fundashon Forma are collaborating on the ‘Ban pa Kambio’ project in order to give participants the chance to study. And with success too! One detainee earned his MBO1 diploma and 14 others were presented certificates during the diploma presentation.


The diploma presentation

One of the participants successfully completed the MBO1 course Construction, Homes and Maintenance (Bouw, Wonen en Onderhoud). Fourteen others all earned a certificate. The certificates were as follows:

  • English
  • Dutch
  • Literacy

One diploma and the certificates were awarded to the proud participants during the presentation. This will now motivate them to continue the journey that they have started.

The Ban pa Kambio project gives detainees more opportunities

This is important for their reintegration process. JICN gives detainees the opportunity to develop themselves while they are being detained. This can be done via courses, apprenticeships and employment. The courses in question focus on greenery (horticulture), construction and hospitality. This is because most employment opportunities are found in these fields. JICN wants to use the project to give detainees the chance of a brighter future within society. Ban pa Kambio has been set up in collaboration with the Fundashon Forma training institute.